“We don’t think of projects as big or small. We put as much effort into a microscopic design as we do into a 20-storey building. When a client is investing millions of dollars, that’s not the time to be cutting corners.
Managing every single detail os what we’re all about! Not that we ever lose sight of the poetry behind a project. Our ultimate goal is to breathe life into ideas while allowing them to fully express themselves. Change of plan? No problem. We’ve spent 40 years making sure both sides of our brain will help your dreams become reality.”
– Kevin McCandless
Quick chat with Kevin McCandless
Q. Is your sock drawer as well organized as your computer?
K.M. Much better! Just because it has much less stuff.
Q. How much do you thrive on challenges?
K.M. What was a huge challenge 15 years ago worries me a lot less today. Thinking all the way back to when we were using a new technology to come up with huge, incredibly complex glass screens, I’ve become more assured and collected a few more grey hairs. Today, I’m almost 50 and challenges just aren’t the same. But they still get the adrenalin going and I enjoy that!
Q. Are people frightened of you on a construction site?
K.M. Not really. In fact, they’re all bigger than me so I have to be careful.
Q. And how do you unwind?
K.M. I head home, out of the countryside of Île d’Orléans. I recharge
to the sound f my daughters playing the violin, chickens clucking in
the yard, and a breeze that brings with it the aroma of fresh